Lots of people's bucket lists require an infinite amount of money and time and expect you to become a star at whatever you do. For me a bucket list isn't about any of this. We aren't all rich superstars or muscular action seekers.
Why have one then? Writing down your dreams of (even small) experiences helps you to set goals for yourself. Do you even know what you want in life? Do you know what you want (full stop)....?
Achieving these goals you set for yourself make you feel successful. A bucket list is all about making your dreams clear and trying to achieve them. These dreams are different for everyone. You are the one deciding what it's about.
What makes it even more rewarding is when there's other people on your bucket list and when you focus on the little differences you can make in your and other people's lives.
This way you create wonderful memories and come on... it just makes your life so much more interesting in between the day to day routine. And this has nothing to do with money or talent!
I like changing my bucket list as I grow older as I as a person also progress and change. So these are the things on my list for the following year:
Be a tourist in my own city
- Do a road trip to someplace new
- Get to know 5 new contemporary artists' work
- Send a postcard from my home city
- Host a game night
Sell my old clothes on a junk market
Start a blog
- Do a wine tasting
- Bake homemade bread
- Bake cookies or cupcakes for co-workers
- Get a pedicure
- Go jogging in the morning
- Go a full day without spending any money
- Invite a neighbour over for a drink
- Log off facebook for a week
Spend a full day in silence
- Run 8 km
- Do a detox diet for 7 days
- Learn to do a baby hopper yoga pose
- Make a difference in at least one person's life
- Kiss in the rain
- Lying down on wet grass at the crack of dawn
- Wish upon a falling star
- Swim in a lake at sunset
- Plan a date for a single friend
- Throw someone a surprise party
- Find a signature parfume
- Help someone to achieve an item on his/her bucket list
I'd love to do these things within a year. Can't wait!
Ready to make your own bucket list?