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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Granola for a kick start!

'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day', somebody wise once said. Unfortunately it's not always as easy to spend time on breakfast. Most of us are more worried to get to work on time every morning. So lots of people skip breakfast which makes you grab unhealthy and unsatisfying snacks.

So planning is everything then! A friend told me about 'granola' and now I'm totally hooked. You can prepare a big jar of granola which will last you a week. It is supereasy to make.  Plus personally i just LOVE the little cracking sound when chopping nuts.

I never weigh these ingredients and just mix the nuts according to my liking but here's the general recipe :

What you need...

400 g oatmeal
150 g almonds
150 g hazelnuts
150 g walnuts
100 g pumpkin seeds
50 g grinded coconut
50 g sesamzaad
5  Tbs biological apple juice
 6 Tbs agave sirop
A bit of peanut oil

How to make it ...

1. Preheat oven on 180°.
2. Chop all the nuts in chunky pieces. Mix it with the oatmeal, grinded coconut and sesame seeds.
3. Add the apple juice and the agave sirop and mix it well.
4. Add nutmeg and cinnemon.
Don't be afraid to add nutmeg. It may seem strange but it creates a wonderful depth to the taste.
5. Add a bit of peanut oil. If you don't want it to be too sticky add less.
6. Pour everything on a baking sheet and place it in the oven.
7. Let it bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Halfway stir it around.
I like it crunchy so check for yourself what you prefer...

Then let it cool and pour it into a pretty jar.

Great with greek yoghurt and some frozen raspberries. Enjoy!

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